
10 tips de seguridad WiFi para los guerreros de la calle

Entre todos los news que recibo dia a dia y que leo, encontre un articulo muy interesante titulado 10 tips de seguridad WiFi para los guerreros de la calle (10 Wi-Fi security tips for road warriors en ingles)

El mismo nos cuenta sobre 10 tips que tenemos que tener en cuenta a la hora de usar redes Wi-Fi públicas, tips que si seguimos podemos aprovechar tranquilamente estos beneficios que nos trae la tecnologia.

Así empieza esto:

Wi-Fi security is a popular topic these days, and the “best approach” is being vigorously debated on many forums, including TechRepublic’s. One fact I discerned from reading the various forum posts is that there are many opinions as to what’s required to securely associate with unknown and possibly hostile Wi-Fi networks.

With this in mind, I’d like to look at Wi-Fi security concerns from the viewpoint of the road warrior. Since road warriors deal with unknown and usually wide-open Wi-Fi environments, a solution that works for them will offer some benefit to everyone. Here are 10 security tips that should allow the road warrior to have a secure encounter — of the best kind — with unknown Wi-Fi networks.

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