
Solution to error updating to Windows 8.1 Update KB2919355

The other day I was trying to update my Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 8.1 Update 1 but I had no luck.

Searching the web I found no solution until I arrived to this article http://netscantools.blogspot.com.ar/2014/04/windows-81-update-kb2919355-woes-and-my.html

Basically my problem was the order which Windows Update applies the updates. As the blogpost says  "the order of the KB's being installed on April 8 was SUPER IMPORTANT and the automatic Windows Update didn't know that so it installed the others first, then tried to install KB2919355 out of order."

What I did, was (a system backup is highly recomendable):

  • Then, went to Control Panel/Recovery/Open System Restore and chose a Restore Point that was BEFORE the April 8 mess.
  • Did the System Restore.
  • Manually installed msu in the order above. I had each in Downloads and I simply double clicked to run them. These KB's must be installed in the following order: KB2919442, KB2919355, KB2932046, KB2937592, KB2938439, and KB2934018
Each one required a reboot. Fortunately SSD reboot time is super fast.

Enjoy it!

PS: The main update is KB2919355, so if you install it without problem but you have other problems installing the other MSU, just run Windows Update as normally